Birthday Tickler

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2 Lunches Are Better Than One!

We had not 1, but 2 lunches on Christmas Day! First we ate at my Mom and Dad's house, then we at at Daniel's parent's house. We were so fortunate that my cousin Russell and his family were able to come in from Kansas to see us this year.

Chase and Ainsley sharing Ainsley's new game.

Ainsley and Chase playing a matching game.

Caden smiled, but did not want to look at the camera.

Chase and Ainsley don't mind taking pictures.

Corbin, Kaylen, Matthew, Ann Elise, Wes and Ainsley

Matthew, Corbin, Kaylen, Loyce, Ann Elise, Chase, Wes and Ainsley

Linda and Sherron with their Daddy (L.C. Rye) Just missing their brother Danny.  Maybe he can be here next year.

Daniel, Matt, Ocye and Holly

Daniel, Holly, Matt, Earl and Sherron

Corbin, Matt, Ann Elise, Kelly and Matthew

Daniel, Ainsley and me

Ann Elise, Kaylen and Ainsley

Ainsley and Ann Elise