Ainsley and me
Daniel and Ainsley
Uncle Billy Wayne, Winston and Aunt Ann
Chad, Aunt Myra, Uncle Richard, Bailey, Kimberly and Tucker
Papa, Gigi, Daniel, Ainsley and me
Angie, Carson, Aunt Jan, Uncle Bill and Brandon
Kimberly and Winston
Cousin - Tucker, Ainsley, Bailey and Brandon
Cousins - Tucker, Brandon, Bailey, Ainsley, Kimberly and Brandon
Ainsley and Uncle Richard with Rudy
Brandon, Papa and Uncle Richard
Carson, Angie and Uncle Richard
Ainsley and Matthew on the homemade slip and slide.
Ainsley had a great time on the slip and slide
Ainsley and Leecie could have done this all day long.
One more way to slide.
Ainsley eating watermelon.
Ainsley really eating watermelon.
Leecie had to give it a try too!
Ainsley and Leecie
Ainsley and Leecie posing for a picture in their matching tops.
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