I can hardly believe that Ainsley has been on this Earth as long as I carried her in my belly. She happened to have her 9 month check-up on her 9 month birthday, so we know her exact stats. Ainsley is 30 inches long, her head measures 17 inches and she weighs 23lbs 8oz. She generally wears 12 months clothes now, plus I like to buy them a little big, so they last a little longer. We are constantly moving and chasing her all morning and all night. She runs like a mad woman all over the house in her walker, pulls up on anything she can reach, claps her hands and sings when she is happy, eats anything you give her (if you can't tell), laughs all the time and loves to bother Layla (our Yorkie) as much as possible. She wears herself out every night, as well as both of us, but if that makes her sleep all night we will let her play as hard as she can!
We are grateful to God that she is ours. I can not thank Him enough for blessing us with such a happy, healthy, beautiful child. I hold her tight and thank Him for her all day long. We were married 5 years before deciding to have a baby and now I can not image our life without her. We think about things so differently now that she is our responsibility. We hope that we are able to listen to God's direction and raise her to be the baby, the little girl, the young woman and the adult He wants her to be.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
9 Months Old
Posted by Colby and Daniel at 6:04 PM 1 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
Bath Time Baby..
Ainsley loves her bath time and now her hair is getting so long that I can give her fun hairstyles...
Curls (she gave herself the scratch on her check during the night)
Old Man
After bath time we play some more and this is the end we are always seeing...
She is so curious, so we spend every minute trying to catch her and put her back in the middle of the room.
Posted by Colby and Daniel at 6:23 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Of All The Toys...
Ainsley does have "real" toys, but the other night all she wanted was whatever I was trying to use in the kitchen, so the plastic bowl seemed to be the safest choice. She was entertained for a good while too!
Posted by Colby and Daniel at 5:00 PM 0 comments
Dave Matthews Concert
Ainsley and I gave Daniel tickets to the Dave Matthews concert in Memphis for Father's Day. So the two of us went a few weekends ago and it was wonderful. Willie Nelson opened for them at 7:00 and then Dave played from 8:00 to 11:00. The pictures below are the only evidence that I have because it said on the tickets "NO CAMERAS" and if you know me you know I don't like to break the rules, so I did not take my camera. I was afraid they might take it away from me when I got to the gate and I could not have that. Well is was pretty obvious that we don't get out much b/c everyone else brought their camera in without any problems and snapped pictures like crazy!! Oh well... at least I still have my camera!
Before the concert
After the concert
Posted by Colby and Daniel at 4:48 PM 0 comments
Happy Birthday To You...
I don't have any pictures, but we did celebrate some birthdays last week, so happy belated birthday to Mimi and Holly. Happy early birthday to Kelly and Kathleen!!
Posted by Colby and Daniel at 4:46 PM 1 comments